2024 Sailing Program

Shaldon Sailing Club – Race Program 2024

Please arrive 45 minutes before race start.

Entry Fee is £2 per boat to help cover the cost of fuel.

Races will be held at sea or in the harbour dependant on prevailing weather conditions and safety cover.

All race participants are expected to be either Race Officer or rescue boat volunteer for one race per series. In the event of this not being possible the participant’s best result of the series will be classed as a discard.

Races are on a Sunday unless indicated otherwise.

2024 Dates Race Start Depth (m) Race
01-Apr (Mon) 1045 3.7 Pot Luck Pursuit
07-Apr 1145 0.7 Spring Series 1
14-Apr 1015 3.9 Spring Series 2
21-Apr 1130 1.3 Spring Series 3
28-Apr 0920 4.1 Spring Series 4
05-May 1015 1.1 Doug Dawe Trophy
06-May (Mon) 1110 0.8 Early Summer Series 1
12-May 0930 4.1 Early Summer Series 2
19-May 0945 1.7 Early Summer Series 3
26-May 1420 1.3 Early Summer Series 4
27-May (Mon) 0915 or 1500 4.1 or 1.4 Jenner Noote Pursuit
02-June 1500 3.9 Palmer Memorial Cup
09-June 1435 1.2 Parson and Clerk Race
16-Jun 1400 3.5 Shaldon Sailing Challenge Club
22-Jun (Sat) 1300 1.2 Shaldon Sailing Club Regatta
23-Jun 1345 1.2 Shaldon Sailing Club Regatta
30-Jun 1315 3.8 Buckley Cup
7-July 1350 1.2 Summer Series 1
14-July 1200 3.6 Summer Series 2
21-July 1235 1.2  Summer series 3
28-July 1150 4.0  Summer series 4
04-Aug 1250 1.2 Jon Barrett Pursuit [BBQ]
11-Aug 1035 3.9  David Hill Memorial
18-Aug 1120 1.4 Mike Willets Memorial
24-Aug (Sat) 1430 3.9 Shaldon Regatta
25-Aug 1030 1.6 Shaldon Regatta
26-Aug (Mon) 1115 4.5 Shaldon Regatta
01-Sep 1155 1.4 Autumn Series 1
08-Sep 1515 1.4 Autumn Series 2
15-Sep 1005 1.7 Autumn Series 3
22-Sep 0930 4.7 Autumn Series 4
29-Sep 1040 1.7 Roy Lightfoot Pursuit
06-Oct 1420 1.3 October Series 1
13-Oct 1450 3.9 October Series 2
20-Oct 1430 0.8 October Series 3
27-Oct 1415 3.8 October Series 4
Sailing Instruction Notes:
i. Race Series: # Races -1 to count
ii. SSC Champs: 50% races to count
Rule infringements:
iii. 360/720 as per RRS
iv. Minor: Time Penalty at RO Discretion
v. Major: Disqualify